@manton yw. I hope you find it useful. And you have inspired me to switch off Threads cross-posting. I don't need another social platform, and Zuck is Elon with better table manners.
@manton Since you brought up the question of favorites and follow notices, I'll reply with my own perspective.
- Follow notices are mostly noise, and good riddance to them! Every so often, however, I get a notification of a name that means something to me. A friend, colleague or someone I admire.
- Likewise, follow counts are noise. Period. Full stop. Glad to see you don't support those.
- However, reblogs are great and I miss them from micro.blog. I follow a few mastodon accounts solely because they reblog great things.
- It should be relatively straightforward to generate a discover feed based on likes, reblogs and replies, if you were so inclined.
I understand and respect these points may not fit with MB's overall philosophy.
@pratik spittake
@odd This one? mitchellaneous.net/2024/11/2...
@jenmarin @pluralistic I don't recall many fathers in RAH novels. The most prominent is the father in "Have Space Suit, Will Travel."
The action of "Starman Jones" is set off by the boy hero running away from home to escape from an abusive stepfather. The boy hero doesn't make a big deal out of it emotionally because it's not that kind of novel. Still, the stepfather is explicitly violent, controlling and probably an alcoholic too.
@jenmarin I'm intrigued already.