A dog sitting in a car looks unimpressed, with text humorously suggesting he reevaluated his suitability as an emotional support animal after hearing his owner's sci-fi discussions.A cat wearing a birthday hat and bib that says Happy Birthday is winking at the camera.A group of penguins are standing on a rocky shore while a seal humorously photobombs in the foreground.A young child with a bowl haircut is shown alongside a humorous text suggesting compensation for having that hairstyle as a child.A tweet humorously describes the stages of plant ownership as commitment followed by realization of neglect.A vintage lounge interior features stylish seating, patterned walls, and patrons being served drinks.A realistic duck statue is humorously posed with a bowl of ice cream, under a Facebook notification about prohibited content.A humorous social media post describes a boarding experience in Group 9 with a mix of unusual characters.

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Silver Lounge, Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel, Atlantic City, NJ. This photo smells like cigarette smoke.

The Sol Reader is an ebook reader built into glasses frames. The epaper fits where the lenses of the glasses go. Not gonna lie — I am tempted by these silly things, but the price tag is high — $400.